Artificial Intelligence

SUBJECT : Artificial Intelligence

Monday, January 24, 2011

Unit 2-2 mark

Unit II
2 Mark questions

  1. What is propositional logic?
  2. What are the elements of propositional logic?
  3. What is inference? 
  4. Define Modus Ponen’s rule in Propositional logic
  5. What is entailment?
  6. What are knowledge based agents?
  7. What is Knowledge Base?
  8. Explain in detail the connectives used in propositional logic.
  9. Define First order Logic? 
  10.  Specify the syntax of  First-order logic in BNF form.
  11. What are the syntactic elements of First Order Logic?
  12. What the types of quantifiers?
  13. Explain Universal Quantifiers with an example
  14. Explain Existential quantifiers with an example.
  15. What are nested quantifiers?
  16. Explain the connection between Universal Quantifiers   and  Existential quantifiers
  17. What are the steps associated with  the knowledge Engineering process?
  18. Give examples on usage of First Order Logic.
  19. What is universal instantiation?
  20. What is forward chaining? Explain with an example.
  21. What is backward chaining ? Explain with an example.
  22. What are semantic networks? 
  23. Define generalized Modus Ponen’s rule in First order Logic.   
  24. Define a Sentence?
  25. What are the components of Propositional Logic(syntax & Semantics)? 
  26. What is Horn Clause?
  27. Differentiate between prepositional versus first-order logic
  28. What is unification algorithm?
  29. How can you represent the resolution in predicate logic?  


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