Artificial Intelligence

SUBJECT : Artificial Intelligence

Friday, January 28, 2011

Unit 2-16 mark

1)       (i) Write short notes on syntax & semantics of propositional logic (8)
       (ii)   Explain Conjunctive normal form with example (8)
2)      (i) Define the syntactic elements of first-Order logic  (8)
      (ii)  Illustrate the use of first-order logic to represent knowledge. (8)                                                   
      3)      Explain the steps involved in the knowledge Engineering process. Give an example.  (16)
4)      Explain with an example
(a)    forward chaining                                                (8)
                                 (b)  Backward chaining                                            (8)
      5) (i)  Explain the unification  with an example.(8)
           (ii) Explain Resolution for first order logic with example. (8)

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