Artificial Intelligence

SUBJECT : Artificial Intelligence

Monday, March 14, 2011

Unit 4 - 2 mark quest

Unit 4

2 Mark Questions

 1. Define Uncertainty
 2. List out the 3 reasons why medical diagnosis fails to use FOL
 3. Define Conditional Probability & its other name.
 4. Define UnConditional Probability & its other name.
 5. Define Decision theory
 6. What are the 3 types  of random variables
 7. State the Product rule.
8. What is Kolmogorov's axioms.
9. Give an example for bayesian network
10. What is CPT.
11. Define Markov Assumption.
12. Define transition Model.
13. Define Sensor Model.
14. What are the two types of Markov Process.
15. What are the basic inference tasks.
16. Define Hidden Markov Model.

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