Artificial Intelligence

SUBJECT : Artificial Intelligence

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Important 16 mark questions.

UNIT   I - V

1. Explain the following uninformed search strategies.
                 (i)      Iterative deepening depth-first search.    
        (ii)     Bidirectional search.
                (iii)    Depth limited search.
                (iv)     Breadth first search.  
2. Discuss any two uninformed search methods with examples.                    
3. Explain the following search strategies.
                 (i)     Min-Max search procedure.
                (ii)    A*(AO*) search.
               (iii) Alpha beta Pruning Algorithm. 
4.   (i)  Explain how a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) may be solved.
      (ii)  Describe any one algorithm for determining    optimal moves in an adversarial search (games).
5. i) Describe the general process of knowledge engineering. 
   (ii) Discuss the syntax and semantics of first-order logic.
6. Explain the resolution procedure in detail.
7. Explain the Unification used for reasoning under predicate logic with Eg.
8. Describe the forward chaining and backward chaining algorithm with suitable example.
9. Explain the concept of planning with state space search using suitable examples.
10. Explain the use of planning graphs in providing better heuristic estimates with suitable  Eg.
11. (i) Explain the Hidden Markov Models.
    (ii)Explain about inference in temporal Models.
12. Explain the method of handling approximate inference in Bayesian networks.
13.Give a brief overview on decision tree inductive learning algorithm.
14.Discuss the following:
    (i)     Passive reinforcement learning.
   (ii)    Active reinforcement learning.
15.(i)  Outline the different forms of learning.
     (ii) Explain the main points of explanation based learning (EBL).Indicate how prior knowledge is used in this technique.
16. Explain the concept of learning using decision tree & Neural network approach.